bima en sumbawa. Buku berisi kajian sejarah kerajaan Bima dan Sumbawa
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94 Because of this, they decided to take over the entirety of Sumbawa, including Bima. ... Noorduyn, J., 'Makasar and the islamization of Bima', Bijdragen Tot de
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Noorduyn, J. 1987a. Bima En Sumbawa. Dordrecht, Belanda: Foris Publication. Noorduyn, J. 1987b. “Makasar and The Islamization of Bima.” Bijdragen Tot
Koentjaraningrat., 1987, Sejarah Teori Antropologi, Jakarta: UI Press. ... Noorduyn, J., 2007, Bima En Sumbawa, Terj, Yogyakarta: Riset Informasi dan
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